When writing S.M.A.A.R.T. Goals be brief and clear. Use keywords and short sentences that help you understand each step. Setting a quality goal is the first step to reaching your dream and making a wise investment of your time.

Initial Goal (Write the original goal you are planning to achieve.)

1. Specific
What do you want to accomplish?
When do you want to do this?
Where do you want to do this?
Who needs to be included?
Which items need to be included?
Why is this goal important? _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

2. Measurable (What measurement will you use to determine if you’ve successfully met your goal?)

3. Achievable (Do you have or can you acquire the knowledge and skills required to achieve the goal in the time frame planned? Is the payback of reaching the goal worth the time and effort investment required?)

4. Accountable (Who will be my accountability partner? When will I do my weekly checkup?)

5. Relevant (Does this goal help me reach my final objective? Is this goal being attempted in the right order?)

6. Time-bound (Establish a realistic deadline.)

New S.M.A.A.R.T. Goal (Review and rewrite your goal statement based on your answers to the six areas of the goal.)

© James “Butch” Tanner
Permission Given to Copy for Personal Use